About the Olive Press
During some of our trying times, like the olive on the press, we can be crushed on every side. But also just like the olive, the pressing causes us to produce, grow, and become the versions of who we are intended to be. The pressing or crushing moments of life can be tough in our faith walk with Christ and we, sometimes need encouragement or guidance from those who are walking the walk too.
The Olive Press is the gathering for all to come and talk about relevant and current concerns of our lives and in the world. It's a safe space where we find hope and solutions to some of life's most difficult situations by filtering the issue through the word of God in the company of like-mind people. We trust God's word because it brings light to the darkest places within our pressing moments and understanding of the world around us.
We meet online via Zoom on the 2nd Monday of the month @ 7pm.
Zoom Meeting ID: 6841362066
Password: 85963
Dial-In: 1- (646)-558-8656