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Steward Board 

Appointed by the Pastor of the local church. Stewards are nominated and confirmed for a one-year term. To be qualified for this office, one must be of solid piety, know and love the Word of God, the African Methodist Episcopal Church and doctrine. He or she must be fruitful and of good nature with the acquired ability to implement the spiritual and temporal business of the church. Stewards are responsible for keeping an exact account of all money or other provision collected for the support of the pastor of the mission, circuit or station.



1.Negotiating full time minister salary and benefits

2.They shall seek the needy and distress

3. Attend Quarterly Conference

4. Petition the congregation to be more liberal in their contributions

5.Register all baptisms, marriages and death within the congregation

6.Survey of church membership for accuracy

Stewardship Emphasis:


FAITHFULNESS is one of the rich words in our language. It is as deep as the character and as spacious as the soul. It stands for responsibility and devotion, trust and dependability. It is a beautiful word. Faithfulness with all that it implies is the very soul of stewardship.

"Well done, good and faithful servant, because you have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much"

Matthew 25:21


  Steward Board Pro tem:

Sis. Margie Stonom for more information 




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